Wednesday, June 24, 2015


This is going to be a pretty dorky, self-help sort of post. It's been a crazy two weeks. The usual work sheninigans (and more), two cities in 24 hours for a biz trip - complete with the mad rush of running after trains and cabs, and mounting uncertainty over new developments I wouldn't exactly call predictable or pleasant. 

In spite of all this though, I still did have quite a bit to smile about. 

And I'm constantly reminded of how blessed I am to actually have that. It's the littlest things that come through text messages, pictures, new sights, sunshine, a little glimpse of someone I care about thinking of me, a bible verse, a whisper of encouragement, a hand to hold, somebody to lean on... 

There's this big guy I come home to every day. The same guy who would do anything from acting like a total dork to satisfying my comfort food cravings to doing the macarena if it just made me smile. How did I get so blessed?

There are my almost-daily calls with my Mama Wong, my grandma. Just to speak to her for a short 10-15 minutes absolutely makes my day. We talk about everything - from the weather, to my travel plans, to work pains, to her exercise routines and doctor's check-ups. From what she made for dinner to how I should adapt her no-measurements recipes, from shows that we're watching to books that I'm reading. My Mama fortifies me, inspires me and restores me every single day. I miss her so much.

And of course, my little canine baby.

This little one, in particular, really makes me chuckle. She's recently moved back to Singapore since the parentals are relocating home, and the brother's been sending over loads of pictures and videos of her escapades. She always brings so much joy to the family and brings me smiles in even the worst of times.

And of course, the mommies!

These three mommies were on holiday together and took Shanghai and Jeju by storm, sending us tons of pictures and texts about how much fun they were having. It's amazing that my Mommy Wong, my MIL and my sister's MIL get along like a house on fire, and even more amazing that they're on holiday together. If that doesn't make a girl smile, then I'm not sure what else can. 

There's always something worth smiling about, even in the midst of a ton of crap the world throws at you. And most of the time, you don't even have to look very hard for the things that make your smile list. 

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