Monday, June 8, 2015


Sunny days are so precious in London. I remember years ago when I was studying here and so depressed from the constant grey skies and rain one winter, I escaped for two months to even colder Montreal. It wasn't the cold in London I had a problem with; it was the lack of sun that was cramping my moods! Everywhere you go it's grey grey grey, and rain just pelts onto your brolly and dramatically splashes onto your face, your shoes, your coat, getting your hair all matted in one damp mess.

So yes, this is the most beautiful time of the year in the +44! When there are generous rays of light shooting through the windows, arching over endless fields of green and turning everything it touches a glorious golden. When blue skies and fluffy pillows of cloud greet you every time you look up. When the sun rises before 5 in the morning and sets only after 9 in the night. 

I think after a few false starts, we can finally say summertime might have arrived! And it makes me so happy I just want to be outside all. the. time. With this silly three-inch megawatt smile on my goofy face.

Be outside all the time walking  through parks and plonking down on the grass to read. Running by the water with sunbeams on my back. Sitting outside at cafes. Enjoying a Hummingbird Bakery red velvet whoopie pie at the street corner. Long walks and delightful conversations with the husband. Watching the neighborhood kids feed swans and chase each other around on their tricycles. 

I like you London, but in the summertime, I really love you.

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