Sunday, August 2, 2015


Wow. It's been nearly a month since I last wrote anything here. Time just whizzes by so quickly I sometimes forget just how long it's been since I sat down properly to collect my thoughts, to be still, and to write. 

We've been in London more than three months now. 

Some things are still the same - like the work situation - but other things are radically different. We have our own house now and have been working to make it our home. We walk a lot more everywhere and it helps us to remember to take in the sights, sounds, smells and experiences around us a lot more instead of just letting them pass us by like a faint and transient occurrence. We are running a lot more to train for our half marathon in October. We cook so much now and are having heaps of fun doing our thang in the kitchen - I'm trying out w lot more paleo, vegan and healthy-swap recipes while the husband is becoming quite the expert in egg, chicken and burrito studies. We're making new friends and I'm also getting re-acquainted with some old pals from way back when. Our lives and routines have evolved quite a bit since we moved and honestly, it's been pretty awesome.

And as August has crept in to sweep July into the shadows, I realize I've got a full month packed with stuff that's going to help me grow on a personal level and which are essential stepping stones I need to get my feet on in order to progress deeper into some of the goals and aspirations I have. I have yoga workshops to attend, a couple of connective events in exciting unchartered waters, mentors to catch up with, and other initiatives that will hopefully yank me out of my comfort zone to get started on some much-needed changes.

I was going over our calendar for the month with the husband and frankly getting quite surprised at how packed it was with things that signal growth and change. You see, I'm really not the sort of person who will rock the boat and challenge familiarity. I've always chased stability and been a picture of caution and risk aversion. But I guess having made a huge international move and at least doing one of the things we said we wanted to do before I turned 30, I know I can do so much more to get myself to doing the things I actually love and want to be doing.

So achtung, August is here. And a very big hello to all the new and amazing things it will bring with it. 

(Image from Gallery No. 8)

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